We performed a very
successful tail amputation on a bulldog with an Inverted Screw Tail this week. “Chase”
has had his pinched in little tail since birth, but it has only started to
present a problem for him in the past 6months or so. His tail was to tightly
curled down that it could not be elevated at all and he has developed a severe
case of under tail infection causing a great deal of discomfort. The area could
not be accessed to bathe or clean in any way and no salves could be adequately
applied. In an attempt to relieve his discomfort it was decided to anesthetize
him and investigate further with a view to amputation of his tail tip. Even
under general anesthetic the downward deviation of his tail was so severe that
cleaning was impossible.
Surgery was performed and
despite a great deal of anatomical challenge, the misshapen tail tip was
amputated back to a point that would prevent further complications. Then the redundant
folds of tail skin were resected to prevent any folds or wrinkles to interfere
with normal stool passage, and to give a cosmetic ally balanced appearance.
“Chase” has recovered well after his surgery, and we expect him to be completely resolved of rear
end issues.