Saturday, June 8, 2013

Caution – Jerky Treats from China

In the light of increasing cases and information of illness in dogs that have been exposed to “Jerky Treats” manufactured in China, we would like to make sure that our clients are aware of this potential problem. We advise the use of pet foods and treats that are manufactured locally by recognized and trusted companies.
Signs to look out for that may be associated with jerky pet treats include decreased appetite and activity, vomiting, diarrhea and increased drinking and urinating. Laboratory findings may include signs of kidney problems including glucose and/or protein in the urine. Some of the reported cases may be the result of causes other than the consumption of jerky treats. This concern has not been definitively isolated to jerky treats so caution is indicated with all pet food products that originate from China. Currently the US FDA and numerous veterinary authorities are investigating this problem. Should you have a concern that your pet has become ill after exposure to imported treats, please notify your veterinarian immediately.

More information can be found at the following sites:

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad that there are vets writing this kind of thing. I have a yellow lab named Madi and she is super energetic! I don't want to feed her treats that are bad for her though. I'm glad that I found this article before I accidentally fed her something that wasn't good for her.
