Friday, October 18, 2013

Acupuncture for Mobility

Maestro's Mom has written a lovely Blog about his first Acupuncture Treatment and the results that he experienced together with pictures.  If you have a furry friend that is afflicted with lameness, pain, arthritis or mobility problems and have been underwhelmed by routine standard treatment than you might find this article which reflects Maestro's response to his first acupuncture treatment.
With thanks to Maestro's Mom for taking time to write this blog.

Dr Mark Rubensohn
Bridlewood Veterinary Clinic


  1. My mom has had a dog for almost 12 years. He started to get really sick and she doesn't know what's wrong with him. Do you have any ideas of what vet we should take him to?

  2. I had never heard of acupuncture for animals until my neighbor mentioned something about it the other day. My poor dog has arthritis and it causes her a lot of pain. I wonder if I should talk to a veterinarian about acupuncture treatment.

    Susan Hirst |
